BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT AND ITS PRESENC Alcachofa, also known as an artichoke, is a plant which was already known in ancient Rome and Greece. Its cultivation in the Mediterranean Basin spread before the 12th century. Currently, it is cultivated in the warm countries of Europe, and North and South America. It grows two meters tall, the leaves are large and deeply cut. The purple flowers are surrounded by scaled leaves with fleshy base.
People in ancient times already used an artichoke as a cure for indigestion, liver and kidney disorder. However, no sooner than in the 20th century did the Italian scientists discover its curative components, and confirmed its curative properties.
Because of the content of the components valuable for health, the leaves of the artichoke and the undeveloped flower heads are a precious material for pharmaceutics.
Artichoke contains 3% sugar, 3% protein, carotenoids, vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin C, minerals such as kalium, natrium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. The active substances of artichoke are phenolic acids and their esters, mainly cynarin, chlorogenic and coffee acids. Artichoke contains bitter sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes, for example taraksasterol and pseudo-taraksasterol, sterols. The bitter taste is attributed to cynaropicrin which has cholagogic qualities just like phenol acids.
Artichoke is also a source of flavonoids – luteolin and apigenin.
Artichoke leaves decoction or extract has the properties which help with liver disorders, improve its blood supply, are cholagogic and cholepoietic. Also they regenerate liver cells.
They stimulate evacuating gall stones from the gall bladder, which are made of cholesterol, they help with bile production.
They stimulate the process of bile production by the liver, and as a result help with removing harmful products of metabolic conversion.
Cynarin helps to cure the illnesses of digestive system, that includes digestion disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. It reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood. The main active substance in artichoke which is responsible for reducing the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in blood is cynarin.
According to scientists, artichoke in a natural hypolipemic medicine which reduces the level of lipids in blood serum. They help to maintain the correct level of concentration of cholesterol in blood, and thus they support the treatment and/or prevent of atherosclerotic changes.
Cynarin restrains the synthesis of cholesterol in liver, it speeds up the process of removing triglycerides and cholesterol along with the bile, and intensifies the process of changing cholesterol into bail acids. Therefore, cynarin is able to reduce the level of cholesterol even 60%.
It is advisable in the prevention of sclerosis and heart diseases.
They have strong antioxidant function.
The inulin present in artichoke helps to maintain the correct level of sugar in the blood. That is why artichoke is a good choice for diabetics. On the other hand, the chlorogenic acid increases the tolerance of glucose and reduces the sugar absorption. Reduction of sugar absorption in the digestive system and delayed osmosis helps to maintain stable body weight. Artichoke can be really valuable for people with the “metabolic syndrome” – obesity, diabetes, hypertension, sclerosis.
The glycemic index or artichoke is very low: only 18.
Artichoke can help to prevent cancer.
Artichoke houses many strong antioxidants, that is: quercetin, rutin, anthocyanins, gallic acid, luteolin, coffee acids, chlorogenic acid, silymarin and cynarin which stand a barrier for free radicals. The biggest amount of research has been made for chlorogenic acid, which has the strongest antioxidant properties, along with anti-inflammatory and anticancer qualities. Thanks to that artichoke not only slows down the process of aging but also hinders the production of cancer cells.
Because of the content of substances which improve the functioning of the digestive system and stimulate the metabolic processes, artichoke is one of the best natural preparation for losing weight.
Alcachofa – Artichoke apart from low calorific value, low concentration of fats, and the high content of dietary fiber, contains four substances which help losing weight:
It helps with slow metabolism, frequent constipation, it is recommended for people who have problems with digestive system illnesses. Cynarin helps with the process of digestion, controls the hormones responsible for regulating the level of sugar in blood, and it speeds up the metabolism of lipids in the body.
Thus, it is of great help for people who are struggling with losing weight.
It is a kind of fiber which has properties of bonding large amounts of water and puffing up in the stomach. Thanks to that it gives you the feeling of satiety and prevents sudden explosion of hunger. Inulin is also a prebiotic which is a fodder for useful intestinal bacteria, and it improves the immune system of intestines. Because of that it can be consumed by diabetics.
It is an antioxidant found in tissues of plants. It reduces the absorption of sugars in the digestive system, and therefore forces the body to use the supply of fats and carbohydrates.
Also known as vitamin B3 or PP, helps with the process of carbohydrates and fatty acids conversion. It hampers the dissolution of fats in the fat tissue and speeds up the metabolism. Artichoke is one of the richest sources of niacin among vegetables.
Alcachofa, in a form of dried leaves from which you can make tea, should be present on every table of people who want to take a good care of their liver, the proper level of cholesterol, and keeping fit. Drinking tea made from the leaves of artichoke is always healthy.
Artichoke was appreciated in the beauty products sector: it is a valuable addition to the skin clearing liquids, tonics, lotions, creams, or face packs.
To 3 g of dried plant add cca 700 ml water and cook on low heat. You can also pour over with boiling water, and leave for 15 minutes. Drink one glass three times a day.