Hercampuri is a small Andean plant that grows mostly in the Peruvian departments: Puno, Huánuco, Junin, Ayacucho, Ancash, Amazonas, Cusco, Cerro de Pasco, and Cajamarca. It grows in places with limited access and severe climatic conditions of the Peruvian Andes at the altitude of 2800-4300 meters above the sea level. It grows in small groups and reaches as much as 3-15cm height. The stems are dark brown, slightly cracked and crooked – which is distinctive for Hercampuri and makes it different from other plants. The small leaves are smooth and yellow/green to dark green. The attention is attracted by the relatively large flowers in the shape of a cup with beautiful lilac color, violet or dark blue. The name of this, beneficial for the liver, plant comes from the language Quechua Hjircan Purek, which means “the one that travels from town to town”. It is a reference to the doctors from the Inca Empire who travelled on Tahuantinsuyo with the supply of different medical plants. Hercampuri was commonly used by the Incas to fight malaria and sooth stomach ache. The plant contains bitter substances of glycoside type. The decoction is very bitter, and that is why it is called Té Amargo – the bitter tea.
Hercampuri belongs to three most famous purifying herbs. The best way to get used to its bitter taste is to start with small doses, and make them bigger gradually. The multiple medical properties of that plant deserve taking such effort. The plant has blood detoxifying properties, and promotes the production of bile, which helps with its expulsion. It is a good regulator of fats metabolism, and helps to lose weight in case of obesity. It helps to get rid of cholesterol. Moreover, it improves the functioning of digestive system, it sooths the stomach ache, supports the work of kidneys and liver, prevents gall stones, and is ant-diabetic. It is recommended for digestive system disorders, especially liver, during hepatitis and cirrhosis. The latest research also shows that Hercampuri is helpful for fighting leukemia.
3 gm of dried plant pour over with cca 700ml of water, cook over small fire 5-10 minutes since boiling. Drain. Drink three times a day.
Do not get discouraged by the bitter taste. In order to get used to the bitterness (yes, it is possible), one has to start with small doses and increase them gradually. Should not be drunk for longer than two months. Should not be drunk in case of the ulcer disease of the stomach.